隐私 声明

版本:2023 年 2 月  下载为 PDF


您的隐私对英腾集团非常重要。因此,我们遵守有关隐私的相关法律法规,包括 GDPR(通用数据保护条例)。这意味着,除其他事项外,我们会做到:

  • 在处理您的个人数据之前,通过本隐私声明明确说明我们的目的;
  • 尽量少储存个人资料,并只储存上述用途所必需的资料;
  • 在处理您的个人资料时,如需要征得您的明确同意;
  • 采取必要的安全措施来保护您的个人数据。我们也会要求处理个人数据的各方履行这些义务;
  • 尊重您的权利,例如检查、更正或删除我们处理的您的个人数据的权利。


地址:De Amfoor 15, 5807 GW Oostrum, Netherlands
电话号码:+31 (0)478 502 575

1. 谁处理个人数据?
属于英腾集团及其附属公司的所有实体都会处理个人数据。 在本隐私声明中提及“英腾”的地方,是指所有附属实体及其附属公司。 它至少涉及以下实体:Inther B.V.、Inther Logistics Engineering B.V.、Inther Service B.V.、Inther Logistics Robotics B.V.、Inther Conveyor Equipment B.V.、Inther Warehouse Automation GmbH 和 Inther Logistics Automation BV。

2. 英腾处理谁的个人数据?

  • 业务联系;
  • 客户(和相关人员);
  • 我们为向客户提供服务而收集其个人数据的个人;
  • 供应商(和相关人员);
  • 我们网站的访问者;
  • 我们营业地点的访客;
  • 雇员;
  • 申请人。

3. 英腾处理哪些个人数据?

  • 名字、前缀和姓氏;
  • (最好是企业)电子邮件地址;
  • (最好是公司)电话号码;
  • 雇用某人的公司名称(雇主身份)。

英腾收集有关网站使用情况的匿名数据以衡量网络统计数据。通过分析收集到的数据,可以改进网站,使访问者可以尽可能轻松地找到他们正在寻找的信息。 此外,英腾还可以通过网络统计进一步优化其服务。收集的数据不会用于任何其他目的。

这涉及以下数据:您的互联网提供商的地址、您使用的浏览器(例如 Internet Explorer 或 Firefox)、您访问的时间和持续时间以及您访问过的页面。 还使用 Cookie。


  • 名字、前缀和姓氏

英腾收集有关其员工的个人数据。请参阅我们在 MyInther 上提供的“员工隐私政策”,了解有关收集和处理员工个人数据的原因和方式的信息。


  • 名字、前缀和姓氏;
  • 出生日期;
  • 联系方式(电子邮件地址和电话号码);
  • 地址数据;
  • 简历、工作经验和教育;
  • 来自求职面试的信息。


4. 英腾出于什么目的处理您的个人数据?


  • 优化我们的网站;
  • 保护我们的建筑物;
  • 保持财务管理;
  • 在员工政策的背景下;
  • 用于发送服务消息;
  • 用于促销和营销目的;
  • 管理和发展我们的业务和服务;
  • 监控/分析/基准测试/分析我们的服务;
  • 遵守所有法律和法规要求。

5. 数据与谁共享?

当我们与欧洲经济区 (EEA) 以外国家/地区的第三方共享您的个人数据时,我们始终采取保护这些数据的必要措施。 除其他事项外,我们依赖:

  • 基于适用法律法规的要求;
  • 欧盟示范条款。 在适用的情况下,我们在与服务提供商的协议中使用标准条款,以确保向欧洲经济区以外的各方传输个人数据符合 GDPR。


  • 政府机构、监管者和监督者;
  • 税务机关;
  • 司法/执法机关。

当我们在某些常见业务活动中使用其他服务提供商或第三方时,我们可能需要共享您的个人数据以执行特定任务。 这涉及以下内容:

  • 设计、开发和维护互联网工具和网络应用程序;
  • 提供应用程序或基础设施服务(如云服务);
  • 营销活动和事件以及客户沟通管理;
  • 准备报告和统计数据、印刷出版物和设计产品;
  • 由律师、公证人、受托人、审计师和其他专业顾问提供的法律、审计和其他特殊服务;

GDPR 要求数据处理基于法律依据。 以下原则适用于英腾对个人数据的处理:

  • 根据执行协议的必要性处理数据。英腾有权处理执行已达成协议所必需的数据,例如,购买协议和服务合同可能就是这种情况。
  • 根据法律义务处理数据
  • 基于同意处理数据。当您允许处理您的数据时,英腾有权处理(普通)个人数据。 为此必须满足以下要求:
  • 同意是自由给予的;
  • 同意必须是明确的;
  • 同意是具体的;
  • 您已提前了解英腾的身份、处理的目的、收集的个人数据以及您撤回同意的权利。




8. 个人资料的安全

在英腾,您的个人数据只能由需要在分配给他们的任务范围内从其职位访问的员工使用。 我们所有的员工都有保密义务。

9. 您的权利
原则上,您有权查看自己的个人数据。 您的数据是否看起来不正确、不完整或不相关? 然后您可以提出额外的请求来更改、补充或销毁您的数据。


  • 您自己;
  • 您的受托人,如果您已被置于监护之下。

您可以通过向上述电子邮件地址发送请求来提交查看、更改或删除您的个人数据的请求。 请在您的最低要求中说明:

  • 您的名字;
  • 您希望查看哪些数据和/或您希望更改或销毁哪些数据。


您想撤回您的同意吗? 为此,您可以给我们发送电子邮件。 撤回同意不会影响到那时处理的个人数据的合法性。

我们相信这永远没有必要,但如果您对我们使用个人数据有任何投诉,请将您投诉的详细信息通过电子邮件发送至 GDPR@inthergroup.com 或致函上述地址。 我们将调查并回应我们收到的任何投诉。

如果您不同意英腾处理您的个人数据或处理您的请求或反对的方式,您可以向荷兰数据保护局提交投诉。 有关如何执行此操作的信息,请访问荷兰数据保护局的网站。



Inther Group is responsible for the processing of personal data as shown in this privacy statement.

Your privacy is of great importance to Inther Group. We therefore comply with relevant laws and regulations on privacy, including the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). This means, among other things, that we:

  • Clearly state our purposes before we process your personal data, through this privacy notice;
  • Store as little personal data as possible and only the data that is necessary for these purposes;
  • Request explicit consent for the processing of your personal data, if consent is required;
  • Take necessary security measures to protect your personal data. We also impose these obligations on parties that process personal data for us;
  • Respect your rights, such as the right to inspect, correct or delete your personal data processed by us.

Your data is safe with us, and we will always use this data with the utmost care. In this privacy statement you will be informed about how we handle your personal data.
If you have any questions or if you want to know exactly what we keep about you, please contact Inther.

Contact details of the data controller
Website: www.inthergroup.com
Address: De Amfoor 15, 5807 GW Oostrum, Netherlands
Telephone number: +31 (0)478 502 575
E-mail address: GDPR@inthergroup.com

1.         Who processes personal data?
All entities that are part of the Inther Group and its affiliates process personal data. Where this privacy statement refers to 'Inther', this refers to all affiliated entities and its affiliates. It concerns at least the following entities: Inther B.V., Inther Logistics Engineering B.V., Inther Service B.V., Inther Logistics Robotics B.V., Inther Conveyor Equipment B.V., Inther Warehouse Automation GmbH and Inther Logistics Automation BV.

2.         Whose personal data does Inther process?
Inther processes data from:

  • Business contacts;
  • Customers (and associated persons);
  • Individuals whose personal data we collect in connection with providing services to our customers;
  • Suppliers (and associated persons);
  • Visitors to our website;
  • Visitors to our business locations;
  • Employees;
  • Applicants.

3.         Which personal data does Inther process?
Business contacts and similar groups
We process the following data from business contacts, customers (and related persons), persons whose personal data we collect in connection with the provision of services to our customers and suppliers (and related persons):

  • First name, prefix and last name;
  • (preferably business) email address;
  • (preferably business) telephone number;
  • Company name where someone is employed (employer status).

Visitors to our website
Inther collects anonymous data about the use of the website to measure web statistics. By analyzing the collected data, the website can be improved so that the visitor can find the information they are looking for as easily as possible. In addition, Inther can further optimize its services through the web statistics. The collected data will not be used for any other purpose.

This concerns the following data: the address of your internet provider, the browser you use (such as Internet Explorer or Firefox), the time and duration of your visit and which pages you have visited. Cookies are also used.

Visitors to our business locations
We process the following data from visitors to our business locations:

  • First name, prefix and last name

Inther collects personal data about its own staff. Please refer to our “Employee Privacy Policy” available on MyInther for information on why and how personal data of employees is collected and processed.

We process the following data from applicants:

  • First name, prefix and last name;
  • Date of birth;
  • Contact details (email address and telephone number);
  • Address data;
  • CV, work experience and education;
  • Information from job interviews.

Most of the personal data we collect as part of our recruitment process is provided by the applicant.

4.         For what purposes does Inther process your personal data?
Inther processes personal data for various purposes:

  • To establish and maintain a business relationship with you, and to contact you if this is necessary to carry out agreed services or deliveries;
  • To optimize our website;
  • To secure our buildings;
  • Keeping a financial administration;
  • In the context of employee policy;
  • For sending service messages;
  • For promotional and marketing purposes;
  • Managing and developing our businesses and services;
  • Monitoring/Analyzing/Benchmarking/Analyzing our services;
  • Comply with all legal and regulatory requirements.

5.         With whom is data shared?
In order to provide you with the best possible services and to remain competitive in our industry, we share certain information internally (i.e. with other entities) and externally (i.e. with third parties outside of Inther).

When we share your personal data externally with third parties in countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA), we always take the necessary measures to protect this data. We rely on, among other things:

  • The requirements based on the applicable laws and regulations;
  • EU Model Provisions. Where applicable, we use standard clauses in agreements with service providers to ensure that the transfer of personal data to parties outside the European Economic Area complies with the GDPR.

To comply with our legal obligations, we may disclose information to competent government, supervisory and judicial authorities such as:

  • Government agencies, regulators and supervisors;
  • The tax authorities;
  • Judicial/law enforcement authorities.

When we use other service providers or third parties in the context of certain common business activities, we may need to share your personal data to perform specific tasks. This involves things like:

  • Designing, developing and maintaining internet tools and web applications;
  • Providing application or infrastructure services (such as cloud services);
  • Marketing activities and events and customer communication management;
  • Preparing reports and statistics, printing publications and designing products;
  • Legal, auditing and other special services provided by lawyers, notaries, trustees, auditors and other professional advisers;

6.         Processing principles
The GDPR requires data processing to be based on a legal basis. The following principles apply to the processing of personal data by Inther:

  • Processing of data on the basis of necessity for the implementation of the agreement
    Inther has the right to process data that is necessary for the execution of a concluded agreement. This may be the case, for example, with purchase agreements and contracts for services. 
  • Processing data based on a legal obligation
  • Processing data based on consent
    When you give permission to process your data, Inther has the right to process (ordinary) personal data. The following requirements must be met for this:
    • Consent is given freely;
    • Consent must be unambiguous;
    • The consent is specific;
    • You have been informed in advance about the identity of Inther, the purpose of the processing, which personal data is collected and the right you have to withdraw consent.

7.         Retention period
We do not store your personal data longer than necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected and processed.

When your personal data is no longer necessary for a procedure or activity for which it was originally collected, we delete the data or bundle it at a certain level of abstraction (aggregation), make it anonymous or delete it according to laws and regulations.

The foregoing does not apply if there is a legal exception.

8.         Security of personal data
Inther takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent the loss of personal data or unlawful processing.

Within Inther, your personal data can only be used by employees who need access to it from their position in the context of the tasks assigned to them. All our employees have a duty of confidentiality.

9.         Your rights
In principle, you have the right to inspect your own personal data. Does your data appear to be incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant? Then you can make an additional request to have your data changed, supplemented or destroyed.

A request for inspection, change or deletion of personal data can be submitted by:

  • Yourself;
  • Your trustee, if you have been placed under guardianship.

You can submit a request to view, change or delete your personal data by sending a request to the above-mentioned email address. Please specify in your request minimum:

  • Your name;
  • Which data you wish to view and/or which data you wish to see changed or destroyed.

Inther can refuse a request, for example due to legal obligations.

Do you want to withdraw your consent? For this you can send us an email. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the personal data processed up to that point.

We trust it will never be necessary, but if you do have a complaint about our use of personal data, please email details of your complaint to GDPR@inthergroup.com or send a letter to the above address. We will investigate and respond to any complaints we receive.

If you do not agree with the way Inther handles your personal data or handles your request or objection, you can submit a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority. Information on how to do this can be found on the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

Changes privacy statement
Inther reserves the right to change this privacy statement at any time by posting a new version on the Inther Group website.

If you want to know more about Inther's policy regarding privacy and data processing and how we use your personal data, you can send an email to us (see contact details).

